This course will examine some of the principle events in Canadian history from the precontact era to Confederation in 1867. The contributions of the three principal players in this time period - Aboriginal peoples, the British and the French - will be explored. Topics will include the following: precontact Aboriginal societies, the early European explorers, First Nations as trading partners and allies, the growth of the British and the French colonies, the expanding fur trade, the Seven Years War and the Royal Proclamation, the ongoing French Canadian issue, the rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada, the acceptance of responsible government, and the formation of Canada. Through this course students will learn about the historic roots of Canada and some of the key challenges facing it today. 2024/09/05-2024/12/17 Lecture Tuesday, Thursday 02:45PM - 04:45PM, 4155 Belshaw, Room M067
- Instructor: Faye Ahdemar