This course offers students theoretical and practical understandings of historical trauma, self-care planning; and exploration of holistic healing approaches. Understanding the primary trauma of colonization and subsequent cultural genocide of First Nations people, how it develops, and its impact on individual and family development through the cultural lens of "endurance" is central to the recovery and healing process of Indigenous nations. This course will cover topics that include: definitions of historical trauma; colonization and genocide; cultural perspectives of "endurance"; the impact of historical trauma on development; lateral violence; loss and grief; alcoholic families; shame; resiliency factors; cultural protectors; culturally sensitive interventions and compassion fatigue. 2024/04/15-2024/04/20 Lecture Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 08:30AM - 12:00PM, Room to be Announced (more)...
- Instructor: Cindy Tom-Lindley