This course provides students with foundational immersion learning tools following the three principles of (a) leaving English behind, (b) relating to everything and every action in Nsyilxcen and (c) re-learning the world in Nsyilxcen. Fluent Nsyilxcn speakers engage students in activities focused on increasing the interactive use of Nsyilxcen in selected topics including (a) workplace action and description sentences and phrases, (b) school or place of learning action and description sentences and phrases, (c) gatherings (formal, feast, ceremonies, and meetings). (d) action and description sentences and phrases and (e) elders home visits, action and description sentences and phrases will be given. 2024/04/22-2024/06/07 Lecture Wednesday 09:00AM - 12:00PM, Room to be Announced (more)...
- Instructor: Delphine Derickson