This course is designed to assist participants in understanding ways to recognize, control and deal effectively with blood-borne pathogens. This knowledge will enable participants to implement procedures and policies that will limit accidental exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materials in the workplace that could result in disease or death. While students will learn about blood-borne pathogens, such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Opportunistic Infections, and Hepatitis (A, B, C), myths and taboos regarding blood-borne pathogens and transmission will also be discussed. As well, community education and modern approaches to health will be explored to prepare students for work in closed communities. Critical to this course, students will also learn about pre- and post-supportive counseling for individuals. 2024/04/07-2024/04/14 Lecture Days to be Announced, Times to be Announced, Room to be Announced (more)...
- Instructor: Patrick Paul