This course deals with fire behaviour as it is affected by weather, topography and fuel types. Weather instrument, fire weather and the Canadian Fire Weather Index System are studied in detail to understand fire ecology concepts. Prescribed burning techniques, use of water and fire pumps, domestic and industrial fire fighting methods are also included. Woods safety is stressed throughout this course. Fire suppression techniques, including use of water, bulldozers, skidders, rotary and fixed wing aircraft, air tankers, chemical retardant and other equipment are topics covered in this course. Initial attack and fire crew organization, detection, communications and pre-suppression methods and concepts are studied. Students will participate in a prescribed burn if the opportunity is presented. Ecological effects of fire on soils, plants and animals will be examined. 2023/05/24-2023/08/04 Lecture Days to be Announced, Times to be Announced, Room to be Announced
- Instructor: Don Gayton