This course represents the culmination of students' knowledge and skills in their final semester of the Environmental Resources Technology diploma. The primary outcome is for students to complete a high-quality, professional capstone report (minimum 3000 words in body of report) in a chosen sub-discipline of Environmental Reources Techonology. Students will research, plan, implement, report and present on a project of their choosing and at the expected level of a Technologist. Core to this report will be the inclusion of First Nations (FN), Indigenous Knowledge or FN voices as they pertain the the project and/or project outcomes. As part of this course, students will also attend a weekly seminar where they will be able to interact with professionals working in their respective fields. 2024/01/09-2024/04/16 Lecture Tuesday 01:00PM - 04:00PM, 4155 Belshaw, Room L010